Today, we woke up to devastating news for our community. It’s not only the results of the presidential election and authoritarian rhetoric, but the $215 million dollar ad campaign attacking trans, nonbinary, and two-spirit people. That and other divisive actions and rhetoric cause fear and deep concern in so many within our Rainbow City family. With people of color and immigrants being targeted, women being pushed aside and still needing to fight for their rights, and so much uncertainty looking forward, we must stay strong and true to our values. Concerning actions are looming – legislative, judicial, and maybe worse. We must gird ourselves to stay strong through dark times.
Rainbow City was formed in an earlier era of threats to our people. When we formed in 1998, it was another 17 years before all in our community could get married and have the safety of family. But those hard-fought gains were not the end of our work. The most vulnerable and marginalized in our community are now the ones under the most serious attacks and threats. This time, they are not just denying our love, but also our existence.
Out of shock and horror comes a stronger sense of the work ahead. The long arc of history bends towards justice, but we don’t need to be silent and passive. As a social justice organization, it is our duty to advocate and fight against hate with our joy and love. Music is a powerful tool for us to show our humanity!
We must show:
Proactivity: Rainbow City must find a new way forward under this new threat. It is not enough for us to simply exist as a space for our community, but we must be proactive in creating diverse and inclusive spaces that bring a sense of comfort, safety, and yes, joy.
Solidarity: We must maintain solidarity as a community. When any of us is attacked or their existence is denied, it is an attack on us all. Over 35% of our membership identifies as trans, nonbinary, or genderfluid and over 60% identifies as mixed race or a person of color. We will be there for anyone who needs a home and safe space to just be themselves.
Advocacy: Our new board structure offers us the opportunity to consider and plan advocacy for the first time. A performing arts org that was created to uplift LGBTQIA+ people cannot simply just exist while our members are under such threat. We have a responsibility to make things better at every level and in any way we can.
Visibility: Our mission dictates we make our community more visible, but that does not mean we let them see us as beleaguered and broken. Our visibility must be a light in the darkness, a beacon of hope. They will see us not just in the cloister of a pride event, but they will see us unafraid to be our loud and proud selves anywhere we please. Visibility need not be a passive exercise; we must be proactively visible and show our Pride to the world.
Friends – stay strong! We are a growing community and together we have so much power that they will have no choice but to hear us, see us, and know we exist. We need you to be a part of the new way forward. One political loss does not erase the existential path we must still tread towards the future we know we deserve. Our path remains true and our moral fortitude as powerful as ever.
There is hope, and we are not alone. The long arc of history still bends towards justice and the principles of fairness, decency, and honor will always win in the end. We must remain strong in our convictions and support for each other. Through our collective power, we will show the world how our impassioned voices will never be denied or ignored. Together, we will be a force for love, acceptance, and pride!