Welcome to the Rainbow City Chamber Ensembles page! Here, you can explore our diverse range of chamber music groups, learn how to join or start your own ensemble, and find information on collaborating with us.

Our Ensembles

Rainbow City Performing Arts (RCPA) supports a variety of chamber ensembles, each bringing unique musical styles and performances to our community. Click on the links below to learn more about each ensemble:

[Check back for more soon!]

Join or Start an Ensemble

Interested in joining an existing ensemble or starting your own? We welcome musicians of all backgrounds and skill levels.

Discover the Possibilities:

    • Express yourself in a smaller setting
    • Develop close friends and colleagues
    • Enjoy unique gig opportunities all over the region.
    • Expand your skills and explore new musical horizons.

Opportunities for your ensemble:

    • Utilize our resources, including rehearsal spaces, music libraries, and coaching, as available.
    • Enjoy the flexibility to create and perform music that fits your style and schedule.
    • Enjoy all the benefits and inclusion of being a member of Rainbow City.

Ready to join or start your own ensemble? Sign up here!

Apply for Official Recognition

If you have formed a chamber ensemble and would like to apply for official recognition, please fill out the application form below. Official recognition provides access to additional resources and support from Rainbow City.

Collaborate with Us

We also welcome collaborations with external ensembles and musicians. If you are interested in collaborating with Rainbow City, please review our collaboration guidelines and fill out the application form below.

Christmas Brass

Additional Information

Who We Are

At Rainbow City Performing Arts, we celebrate the diversity of our members, united by a shared love of music. Our members often form their own chamber ensembles to explore music written for specific instrumentation, such as a brass quintet, a string quartet, or a percussion ensemble. Have you always wanted to play in a flute choir but didn’t know where to find other players? Or maybe you’re looking for more solo opportunities. Just ask around! Chances are you can put together a group from among our members to satisfy that itch. And if you’re short a member for your ensemble, our well-connected community can help you find the perfect fit.

What We Do

We organize concerts throughout the season to showcase our talented chamber ensembles. Rainbow City chamber ensembles also perform at paid gigs, join existing concerts, and play at community events. Some ensembles form just for the joy of playing and may only occasionally perform in public. Our groups have been called upon to fulfill requests from community organizations needing a small group for specific events. Whether it’s a birthday party, a traditional Sunday service, or any other occasion, our ensembles are ready to bring beautiful music to your event. What you do is up to you and your fellow musicians!