Welcome to RCPA! We're pleased you want to join our organization!
There are a few steps to get you set up as a new member and ready to play.

Please read the instructions carefully and complete the steps in order.

1. Contact Information Form

This information is for our internal records and includes your emergency contact information. All information shared with RCPA is kept private within the organization. You only need to do this one time.

Fill out the contact information form


2. Join Band.us

Our internal communication platform is hosted on band.us. Most of our member communication for each ensemble happens here. You can find our calendar, talk to other members, and receive important updates about rehearsals and performances. Make sure to add this to your mobile device to get critical timely information you will need.

Complete all three steps:

  1. Sign up for an account and download the app on your device(s) – Web, Android or iOS.
    • When creating an account, please set your profile user name using the following format:
      • First name Last name (pronouns) --> ex: Marsha Johnson (she/her)
      • Include your instrument(s) and any organizational role(s) in the bio section
  2. Join our main Rainbow City Performing Arts group for all members.
  3. Click on the ensemble(s) that you are joining to request an invite:

3. Request a Name Badge

All members are required to wear a name badge during rehearsals. The name badge includes your name, pronouns, instrument(s), and leadership roles (if any).

Fill out this form to request a name badge. You may request one when you join and whenever any of your information (name, pronouns, organizational roles) changes. It should be available to pick up at the next rehearsal.


4. Seasonal Registration and Membership Dues

Register Here

Members are expected to register and pay dues quarterly for participation. You can join a couple of rehearsals before deciding to stay and contribute. See our Member Dues page for more information.

We also have an Angel Fund available to cover some or all of the cost of dues to ensure that does not become an impediment to your joining us. See the Angel Fund information page to learn more.