Join Color Guard for Inclusion and Pride with a New Name at Rainbow City

New Name for Growing Color Guard Community

We have some more exciting news to share with you! RCPA’s Color Guard has a new name, and with it, new members! Maybe including YOU!?! 

We are now Rainbow City Color Guard! While we loved the name SpinOUT, we feel it’s important for our name to reflect that we’re a part of the larger RCPA family! We join many other ensembles, including the Rainbow City Marching Band and the Rainbow City Drumline - so we’re happy for our name to reflect our belonging. 

With our new name and our growing membership, the guard is expanding and moving to rehearsals and performances all year around! This means more opportunities for you to join color guard where you can learn new skills, make new friends, and perform throughout the year. Read on to find out how you can get involved and be part of this amazing team!

Where Does Color Guard Perform and When?

Historically Rainbow City Color Guard has only performed in the summer season with the Rainbow City Marching Band, but this year, we will be moving to a year-round ensemble for the first time in our 25-year history! 

Fall and Winter Term

In 2023, the guard will begin its first official winter season! We will start Tuesday, October 17 and rehearsals will be from 7-9 pm at Hazen High School in Renton. We will run skill-building workshops for both flag and auxiliary (airblade and sabre) during the months of October and November. 

In December and January, we will have weekly rehearsals to prepare for our performance as part of RCPA’s winter concert on February 2nd, 2024. The long-term goal is to move towards having a full winterguard show and exhibition at the local circuit in a future season.

Spring and Summer Term 

Our rehearsals start in March for the summer marching season where we put on a visual show at the head of the band in parades, and front-and-center at community events with the Rainbow City Marching Band! 

We learn 10 routines in the summer season - 5 marching and 5 stand still. The marching songs will always be at the 101 level so that the guard remains beginner friendly! The stand still songs will be an opportunity for more experienced members to utilize their skills - and an invitation for those who want to challenge themselves to level up their skills, if they want. Our performances run from June-August and include community events like the Fremont Solstice Parade, Seattle Pride, Pride in Bellingham, Alki Beach Pride, and more! 

Who Can Join Color Guard?

Rainbow City Color Guard welcomes people 18 years of age and older, people of all skill levels, and any identity! While we center the experiences of people from the LGBTQIA+ community, all are welcome. Whether you are brand new to color guard and have never spun before, it’s been 20+ years since you spun, or you just aged out of DCI - we’re happy to have you! All equipment is provided so all you need to come with is a desire to learn, make friends, and have fun!

When Can I Join Color Guard?

We welcome you to contact us now and we will welcome you to join at the next opportunity. We always make sure our members have equitable opportunity to learn and excel at performing. We'll be excited to have you join us! We always welcome people to sit in on a rehearsal to meet us and get to know the ensemble. We also need support for our guard at performances and welcome the chance for you to get to know us before you can join.

For more information about Rainbow City Color Guard, contact us about joining!